Dhyana Yoga For Anxiety, Anger, and Irritability

Dhyana yoga in Hinduism means contemplation and meditation. Dhyana is taken up in Yoga practices and is a means to Samadhi and self-knowledge. The various…

Pratyahara and Unique Benefits

Pratyahara (Sanskrit: प्रत्याहार) or the withdrawal of the senses is the fifth element among the Eight stages of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga, as…

Dharana Yoga, Techniques, Practice and Benefits

Dharana yoga (Sanskrit: धारणा योग) is translated as “collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath)”,…

Jnana Yoga Practices and Benefits

Jnana Yoga (Sanskrit: ज्ञान योग) is the process of converting intellectual knowledge into practical wisdom. It is a discovery of…

Karma Yoga is “What We Reap is What We Sow”

Karma yoga (Sanskrit: कर्म योग), also called Karma Marg, is one of the four classical spiritual paths in Hinduism, one based on the…

Swara Yoga and Inevitable Benefits

Swara Yoga is a Sanskrit word स्वर योग. Swara स्वर means sound or note. It is also a continuous flow…

Hatha Yoga for Fine Tuning of Human Personality

Haṭha yoga is a branch of yoga. The Sanskrit word हठ haṭha literally means “force” and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. In India,…

Nath Sampraday and Yogi Adityanath

Nath Sampraday (नाथ संप्रदाय) is a Hindu religious creed. This Sampraday is originated in the Middle ages, shows a synthesis of the traditions…