Shiva Samhita is Attributed to the Hindu Deity Shiva

Shiva Samhita (शिव संहिता) is a Sanskrit text on yoga, written by an unknown author. The text consists of five…

Mindfulness is the Practice of Paying Deliberate Attention

Mindfulness (सचेतन) is the cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, of sustaining meta-attentive awareness towards the contents of one’s mind…

Mudra Influences the Mind, Body, and Spirit

A mudra (मुद्रा) is a symbolic or ritual gesture or pose in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. In hatha yoga, mudras are used with pranayama (yogic breathing…

Shatkarma is the Main Work of Yoga Towards Moksha

Shatkarma (षटकर्म), also known as Shatkriya, is a set of Hatha yoga body purifications to prepare for the main work of yoga towards moksha (liberation). These…