Dharmashastra Smriti Refer to the Treatises on Dharma

Dharmashastra Smriti (धर्मशास्त्र स्मृति) are Sanskrit texts on law and conduct and refer to the treatises (śāstras) on Dharma. Unlike Dharmasutra which…

Why Individuals Engage in the Practice of Interbeing

Interbeing is a philosophical concept and contemplation practice rooted in the Zen Buddhist tradition, notably proposed by Thich Nhat Hanh. It underscores the interconnectedness and interdependence…

Narada Smriti Holds Significance in the Lives of Humans

Narada Smriti (नारद स्मृति) is a part of the Dharmashastras, written about 2400 years ago in Nepal, in the Newari…

Natha Yogis – The Perfect Yoga Masters

The phenomenon of Natha Yogis (नाथ योगी) the Nātha tradition is much more complex than described in this article. From…