Siddhasana Encourages Both Physical and Mental Relief

Siddhasana (सिद्धासन) or Accomplished Pose, is an anciently seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as an exercise suitable for meditation. The names Muktasana (मुक्तासन, Liberated Pose) and Burmese position are sometimes given to the same pose, sometimes to an easier variant, Ardha Siddhasana. Siddhasana is one of the oldest asanas. It is described as a meditation seat in the early Hatha Yoga text, the 10th-century Goraksha Sataka. This states that Siddhasana ranks alongside Padmasana (lotus position) as the most important of the asanas, opening the way to liberation. The 15th-century Hatha Yoga Pradipika similarly suggests that all other asanas are unnecessary once Siddhasana has been mastered. Even Dr. Swami Hardas, inventor of Swami Hardas Life System appreciates the importance of Siddhasana for the well-being of all.

Siddhasana Meaning

The name comes from the Sanskrit words siddha (सिद्ध) meaning both “perfect” and “adept”, and asana (आसन) meaning “posture” or “seat”. The name Muktasana comes from मुक्त mukta meaning “liberation”. Ann Swanson writes that the pose is called accomplished as it was the goal of all other asanas to ready the body to sit in meditation in this way.

सिद्धासन योग करने का तरीका और फायदे - Siddhasana (Accomplished Pose) Steps and Benefits in Hindi
Siddhasana Pose

Siddhasana Vs Padmasana

Both Adept Pose and Lotus Pose are seated yoga postures. Moreover, the two poses are the most ancient yoga postures and are used mainly for mediation. Ancient Yogis of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism used either of these two poses for meditation. The difficulty level of Adept Pose is comparatively lesser than that of Lotus Pose.

Normally, Sannyasins and yogis prefer adept pose and a householder prefers any other seated yoga posture for meditation or breath control exercisesThough the mastery of both poses gives Siddhis or psychic powers, mostly Adept Pose is preferred.

Considering the physical aspects of the poses, both are hip openers. Butterfly Stroke and Easy Pose are very good preparatory poses for mastering these Seated Poses.

  • Siddhasana is the most suitable pose for Pranayama and Meditation,
  • It helps in the practice of Brahmacharya,
  • This posture activates the Base and Sacral Chakras,
  • It opens the hip joints and improves flexibility in the lower part of the spine,
  • This posture helps develop psychic powers like clairvoyance, clairaudience, remote healing, etc, and
  • Siddhasana calms down the nervous system and the activities of the brain. The whole body experiences serenity.

Siddhasana Description

From a seated position, one heel is brought to press on the perineum with the sole of the foot flat against the inner thigh. The body sits on top of this heel. Adjustments are made until the body is comfortable and the pressure is firmly applied. Then the opposite ankle is placed over the first, so the ankle bones are touching and the heels are above one another with the top heel pressing the pubis directly above the genitals.

The genitals will then lie in between the two heels. The toes and outer edge of the top foot are pushed down into the space between the calf and thigh muscles. The toes of the bottom foot are pulled up into a similar space on the opposite side. The spine is held erect. A small meditation cushion or zafu is sometimes used to help align the back vertically. The same pose for women is sometimes called Siddha Yoni Asana.

Modifications and Variations of Siddhasana

The Siddhasana is an essential pose in most yoga sequences. With that in mind, there are ways to make it easier and more challenging. 

Need a Modification?

If you feel discomfort in your hips when performing the Siddhasana pose or your hips are too tight to do the move, sit on a folded blanket, so your hips are above the level of your knees. If this is still not enough of a modification, consider adding another blanket or pillow to raise you up higher. To prep for this pose, try the Sukhasana or easy pose. This modified version of the Siddhasana changes the placement of your feet, which helps you work on strength and flexibility in your hips. 

Up for a Challenge?

Since Siddhasana is a seated yoga posture commonly used while meditating, one way you can make this pose more difficult is to hold it for longer. That said, it’s important to take a conservative approach when holding the pose for an extended period of time. Start with small increments such as one minute and increase the duration as you become more accustomed to the pose. Since Siddhasana requires strict posture, you can also make this pose more challenging by directing your energy to sit tall and lengthening your spine.

5 Lotus Pose Variations To Prevent Injury - DoYou
Siddhasana Variations/Modifications

Siddhasana Benefits

Hips, adductors, knees, and ankles

The Siddhasana pose stretches the hips, adductors, knees, and ankles. When done correctly, it also helps direct energy from your lower body upward through the spine, which results in a flat back, upright posture, and long spine. 

Allows to focus on the tighter areas

You will gain the most benefits from the Siddhasana by staying in the position for long holds while practicing deep breathing. This allows you to focus on the tighter areas of your hips and through slow, mindful breathing, gradually open this area each time you perform the pose. 

Reduce stress levels

Practicing Siddhasana on a regular basis may help reduce stress levels and decrease the symptoms associated with anxiety. Plus, sitting in a meditative pose while practicing deep breathing helps to ground you and encourages both physical and mental relief from the daily stressors of life. 

How to practice Siddhasana step-by-step?

  1. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and hands at your sides. For extra cushioning, consider sitting on a yoga mat or blanket. 
  2. Bend your left knee and bring your left heel close to your body by your groin area. 
  3. Bend your right knee and move it toward the front of the left ankle. 
  4. From this position, inhale and while you exhale, lift your right foot and place it just above your left ankle. Bring your right heel into your groin area. This step should feel comfortable. Do not force it. 
  5. Slide the toes of your right foot into the space between the left calf muscles. This will help to keep your posture steady. 
  6. Take your hands from your sides and place them palms down on the knees. Your knees should touch the floor. You can also stretch your arms straight to the sides and rest the backs of your palms or wrists on your knees, so your palms face upwards. If you cannot do this or you experience discomfort, use one of the modifications until you have more flexibility in your hips. 
  7. Sit upright with your gaze facing forward. There should be a nice, straight line from the top of your head to the floor. 
  8. Stay here and breathe deeply for one minute or longer. 

How to master Siddhasana?

The first step to mastering Siddhasana is to sit in Sukhasana. This will make you comfortable in a cross-legged sitting position which is the basis for advanced postures like Adept Pose and Lotus Pose. Next, Butterfly stroke or Titali Asana, a dynamic yoga pose, is a hip opener that helps to perform adept-pose for a longer duration of time. To summarize, Sukhasana and Titali Asana prepares you to master Siddhasana.

Siddhasana steps

First: Sit with legs stretched out. Bend the right leg and place the heel under the perineum. 

Second: Bend the left leg and place the left ankle over the right one. Now place the left heel above the genitals so that the genitals lie in between the two heels.

Third: Place right toes in between the left calf and thigh and left toes in between the right calf and thigh. Adjust the knees suitably. Ensure the knees touch the floor.

Fourth: Place the hands on the knees in Chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra. Close your eyes. Breathe slowly.

Siddhasana History


Goraksha Sataka

It states that along with the lotus position, Siddhasana is the most important of the asanas (1.10), breaking open the door of liberation (1.11).

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

It describes Siddhasana as “the opener of the door of salvation” and “the chief of all asanas”, explaining that this is because the posture “cleanses the impurities of 72,000 nadis”, channels of the subtle body.

Gheranda Samhita

The 17th century Gheranda Samhita 2.7 states in terms similar to the earlier texts that “the practitioner who has subdued his passions, having placed one heel at the anal aperture should keep the other heel on the root of the generative organ; afterward he should rest his chin upon the chest, and being quiet and straight, gaze at the spot between the two eyebrows. 


Theos Bernard

The early Western student of Hatha Yoga, Theos Bernard, wrote that he practiced the meditation asanas after the others so as to gain the flexibility to do them easily. He stated that he used only Padmasana (lotus position) and Siddhasana.

B. K. S. Iyengar

In his 1966 book Light on Yoga, B. K. S. Iyengar quotes several scriptures, stating that the yogin who contemplates Atman and practices Siddhasana for 12 years obtains the yoga siddhis, supernatural powers; and that once the pose is mastered, samadhi follows “without effort”. In the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, Edwin F. Bryant quotes Śaṅkara’s verse, among others from a survey of scriptures and commentaries, stating that mastery of postures does not produce the goals of yoga; only getting rid of the Kleshas obstacle to yoga, and samadhi, undeviated absorption on the object of meditation, can produce the goals of yoga.

Siddhasana Safety and Precautions

The Siddhasana pose is generally safe for most fitness levels. However, if you have any knee, hip, or sciatica issues, you should avoid this exercise. Additionally, if you have issues with your ankles, make sure to pay attention and address any discomfort or limited range of motion when performing this pose. If you feel any pain, stop and consider one of the modifications. Ease into the pose and avoid forcing the position as you lower your knees to the floor. It is normal to feel a stretch in the inner thighs, hips, and groin area, but you should never feel pain. 

Siddhasana Common Mistakes

Crossing the same leg

To perform the Siddhasana correctly, you need to change the leg you cross on top each time you hold this pose. It’s not uncommon for one side to feel more flexible than the other. That’s why it’s important to alternate legs. 

Forcing knees down

If you’re new to this pose or have limitations in your hips or knees, do not force your knees down to get closer to the ground. Only go down as far as you feel comfortable. And if you cannot get your knees in a comfortable position, sit on a folded blanket. This will help take the pressure off of your knees and hips. 

Rounding upper and lower back

Having an upright posture with a flat back and long spine is key to the success of this pose, especially during long meditation sessions. If you have a tendency to round your lower back, consider sitting with your back flat against a wall. 

Frequently asked questions

Before posting your query, kindly go through them:

What is the meaning of Sidhasana?

The name comes from the Sanskrit words siddha (सिद्ध) meaning both “perfect” and “adept”, and asana (आसन) meaning “posture” or “seat”. 

Which is the important thing Goraksha Sataka reveals about Siddhasana?

Siddhasana is one of the oldest asanas, being described as a meditation seat in the 10th century Goraksha Sataka 1.10-12. It states that along with the lotus position, Siddhasana is the most important of the asanas (1.10), breaking open the door of liberation (1.11).


What precautions are to be observed before practicing Siddhasana?

The Siddhasana pose is generally safe for most fitness levels. However, if you have any knee, hip, or sciatica issues, you should avoid this exercise. Additionally, if you have issues with your ankles, make sure to pay attention and address any discomfort or limited range of motion when performing this pose.


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